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Get linked records

List the linked records of rows. You can get the linked records of multiple rows.

base.getLinkedRecords(table_id, link_column_key, rows)
  • table_id: the id of link table
  • link_column_key: the column key of the link column of link table ( not link_id )
  • rows: a list, each item of the which contains a row info including row_id, offset (defualt by 0) and limit (default by 10) of link table
base.getLinkedRecords('0000', '89o4', [
  {'row_id': 'FzNqJxVUT8KrRjewBkPp8Q', 'limit': 2, 'offset': 0},
  {'row_id': 'Jmnrkn6TQdyRg1KmOM4zZg', 'limit': 20}

// a key-value data structure returned as below
// key: row_id of link table
// value: a list which includes the row info of linked table
  'FzNqJxVUT8KrRjewBkPp8Q': [
    {'row_id': 'LocPgVvsRm6bmnzjFDP9bA', 'display_value': '1'},                            
    {'row_id': 'OA6x7CYoRuyc2pT52Znfmw', 'display_value': '3'},
  'Jmnrkn6TQdyRg1KmOM4zZg': [
    {'row_id': 'LocPgVvsRm6bmnzjFDP9bA', 'display_value': '1'},     
    {'row_id': 'OA6x7CYoRuyc2pT52Znfmw', 'display_value': '3'},

Add links, link other table records

base.addLink(link_id, table_name, other_table_name, row_id, other_row_id)
  • link_id: link_id in the data attribute of the link column
  • table_name: the name of the link table
  • other_table_name: the name of the linked table
  • row_id: id of link row
  • other_row_id: id of the linked row
await base.addLink('5WeC', 'real-img-files', 'contact', 'CGtoJB1oQM60RiKT-c5J-g', 'PALm2wPKTCy-jdJNv_UWaQ')

Modify the info of link-type column

base.updateLink(link_id, table_id, other_table_id, row_id, other_rows_ids)
  • link_id: link_id in the data attribute of the link column
  • table_id: the id of the link table
  • other_table_id: the id of the linked table
  • row_id: id of link row
  • other_rows_ids: ids of the linked row
await base.updateLink(

Batch update infos of link-type columns

base.batchUpdateLinks(link_id, table_id, other_table_id, row_id_list, other_rows_ids_map)
link_id = "WaW5"
table_id ="0000"
other_table_id = "jtsf"
row_id_list = ["fRLglslWQYSGmkU7o6KyHw","eSQe9OpPQxih8A9zPXdMVA","FseN8ygVTzq1CHDqI4NjjQ"]
other_rows_ids_map = {

await base.batchUpdateLinks(link_id, table_id, other_table_id, row_id_list, other_rows_ids_map)

Delete the link row

base.removeLink(link_id, table_name, other_table_name, row_id, other_row_id)
await base.removeLink('5WeC', 'real-img-files', 'contact', 'CGtoJB1oQM60RiKT-c5J-g', 'PALm2wPKTCy-jdJNv_UWaQ')

Get the link id by column name

base.getColumnLinkId(columns, column_name)
const columns = await base.listColumns('Table1'); // return table's columns
const linkId = await base.getColumnLinkId(columns, 'Record') // return the link id such as 'aHL2'