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Add row data

dtable.appendRow(table, rowData, view, { collaborators } = {});


  • table: table object
  • rowData: data of row
  • view: view object, can be null
  • { collaborators } : Object parameter containing the list of collaborators


const tableName = 'Table1';
const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
const viewName = 'Default View'
const view = dtable.getViewByName(table, viewName);
const collaborators = dtable.getRelatedUsers();
const rowData = {
  'Name': 'Mike',
  'Age': 28,
  'Job': 'Software engineer'
dtable.appendRow(table, rowData, view, { collaborators });


Delete the data of row of the table by id

dtable.deleteRowById(table, rowId);


  • table: table object
  • rowId: the id of the row


const tableName = 'Table1';
const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
const viewName = 'Default View'
const view = dtable.getViewByName(table, viewName);

const rows = dtable.getViewRows(view, table);
const rowId = rows[0]._id;

dtable.deleteRowById(table, rowId);


Delete multiple rows of table through the id list

dtable.deleteRowsByIds(table, rowIds);


  • table: table object
  • rowIds: the id list of multiple data of row


const tableName = 'Table1';
const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
const viewName = 'Default View';
const view = dtable.getViewByName(table, viewName);

const rows = dtable.getViewRows(view, table);
const rowIds = => row._id);

// Delete the first five data of row
dtable.deleteRowsByIds(table, rowIds.slice(0, 5));


modify row

dtable.modifyRow(table, row, updated);


  • table: table object
  • row: row object
  • updated: new row value object


const tableName = 'Table1';
const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
const viewName = 'Default View'
const view = dtable.getViewByName(table, viewName);

const rows = dtable.getViewRows(view, table);
const rowId = rows[0];
const updated = {
  'Age': 30,
  'Job': 'Teacher'
dtable.modifyRow(table, row, updated);


Traverse the data of row and complete the corresponding logic according to certain conditions

dtable.forEachRow(tableName, viewName, callback, { username, userId } = {});


  • tableName: table bane
  • viewName: view name
  • callback: callback function, processing custom logic
  • { username, userId }: Object parameters containing user name and user id

Note: username and userId can be read from the local configuration file in the development environment, and read from window.dtable in the production environment


import { username, userId } from 'setting.local';

// const { username, userId } = window.dtable;

// Business requirement:
// If the "task status" column in the data of row is "completed"
// set the "qualified" column in the changed row to "yes"
const tableName = 'Table1';
const viewName = 'Default View'
dtable.forEachRow(tableName, viewName, (row) => {
  // Realize business needs
  if (row['task status'] === 'completed') {
    const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
    const updated = {'qualified': 'yes'};
    dtable.modifyRow(table, row, updated);
}, {username, userId});


Get the id value of all data of row related to other tables of data of row

dtable.getTableLinkRows(rows, table);


  • rows: data of row
  • table: data of row belongs to the table object


const tableName = 'Table1';
const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
const viewName = 'Default View'
const view = dtable.getViewByName(table, viewName);

const rows = dtable.getViewRows(view, table);

const findLinkRows = rows.slice(0, 5);
dtable.getTableLinkRows(finLinkRows, table);


Get the data of row of the view

dtable.getViewRows(view, table);


  • view: view object
  • table: table object


const tableName = 'Table1';
const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
const viewName = 'Default View'
const view = dtable.getViewByName(table, viewName);

const rows = dtable.getViewRows(view, table);


Get the rows of group

dtable.getGroupRows(view, table);


  • view: view object
  • table: table object


const tableName = 'Table1';
const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
const viewName = 'Default View'
const view = dtable.getViewByName(table, viewName);

const rows = dtable.getViewRows(view, table);


Get the default data of the new row (if the table contains sorting, group, filtering and other functions, you can directly get the default value of the new row through this api)

dtable.getInsertedRowInitData(view, table, rowId);


  • view: view object
  • table: table object
  • rowId: the id of the row before the new row


const tableName = 'Table1';
const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
const viewName = 'Default View'
const view = dtable.getViewByName(table, viewName);

const rows = dtable.getViewRows(view, table);
const prevRow = rows[row.length - 1];

const defaultRowData = dtable.getInsertedRowInitData(view, table, prevRow._id);


Get the relevant data of row of the table through the id list

dtable.getRowsByID(tableId, rowIds);


  • tableId: Id value of the table
  • rowIds: the id list of the rows


const tableName = 'Table1';
const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
const rowIds = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'cccc', 'dddd'];
const rows = dtable.getRowsByID(table._id, rowIds);


Get the relevant data of row of the table through row id

dtable.getRowById(table, rowId);


  • table: table object
  • rowId: the id of the row


const tableName = 'Table1';
const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
const rowId = 'aaaa';
const rows = dtable.getRowById(table, rowId);


Move the rows in the group

dtable.moveGroupRows(table, targetIds, movePosition, movedRows, upperRowIds, updated, oldRows, groupbyColumns);


  • table: table object
  • targetIds: list of row ids where the row is moved
  • movePosition: relative position of movement, 'move_above' or 'move_below'
  • movedRows: moved data of row list
  • upperRowIds: the previous row ids where all the moved rows were before
  • updated: the new attribute value object that needs to be updated after moving the row (moving across the group, the movement of different filter conditions may cause the data changed)
  • oldRows: the old attribute value object that needs to be updated before moving the row
  • groupbyColumns: column data of the current view group


const tableName = 'Table1';
const table = dtable.getTableByName(tableName);
// 1. Assumption: The default data of row list is as follows, group according to the Group column
const rows = [
  {_id: 'aaa', 'Name', 'Mike', 'Age': '29', 'Birthday': '1992-09-09', 'Group': 'a'},
  {_id: 'bbb', 'Name', 'Tom', 'Age': '25', 'Birthday': '1996-09-09', 'Group': 'a'},
  {_id: 'ccc', 'Name', 'Doris', 'Age': '24', 'Birthday': '1997-09-09', 'Group': 'a'},
  {_id: 'ddd', 'Name', 'Judy', 'Age': '22', 'Birthday': '1993-09-09', 'Group': 'a'},
  {_id: 'eee', 'Name', 'Tony', 'Age': '27', 'Birthday': '1992-09-09', 'Group': 'b'},
  {_id: 'fff', 'Name', 'Michael', 'Age': '25', 'Birthday': '1990-09-09', 'Group': 'b'},
  {_id: 'ggg', 'Name', 'Donald', 'Age': '26', 'Birthday': '1996-09-09', 'Group': 'b'},
  {_id: 'hhh', 'Name', 'Jerry', 'Age': '27', 'Birthday': '1999-09-09', 'Group': 'b'},

// 2. Move Tom and Judy to the bottom of the Jerry row, the relevant parameters are as follows
const targetIds = ['hhh', 'hhh'];
const move_position = 'move_below';
const movedRows = [
  {_id: 'bbb', 'Name', 'Tom', 'Age': '25', 'Birthday': '1996-09-09', 'Group': 'a'},
  {_id: 'ddd', 'Name', 'Judy', 'Age': '22', 'Birthday': '1993-09-09', 'Group': 'a'},
const upperRowIds = ['aaa', 'ccc'];
const updated = {
  'bbb': {'Group': 'b'},
  'ddd': {'Group': 'b'},
const oldRows = {
  'bbb': {'Group': 'a'},
  'ddd': {'Group': 'a'},

const groupbyColumns = [{key: 'Group', name: 'Group', type: 'text', ...}];

const rows = dtable.moveGroupRows(table, targetIds, movePosition, movedRows, upperRowIds, updated, oldRows, groupbyColumns);