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We provide a set of functions for the date operations based on the datetime module of python. These functions have the same behavior as the functions provided by the formula column of SeaTable.

About timezone: If the input time string has a timezone info, it will be automatically converted to local time.

function import

from seatable_api.date_utils import dateutils


Return the ISO formatted date string, 5, 16) # 2020-05-16


Return the ISO formatted date time of current and accurated to seconds # 2022-02-07 09:44:00


Addition operation for a datetime by different units such as years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds, default by days

time_str = "2020-6-15"
time_str_s = "2020-6-15 15:23:21"

dateutils.dateadd(time_str, -2, 'years') # 2018-06-15
dateutils.dateadd(time_str, 3, 'months') # 2020-09-15
dateutils.dateadd(time_str_s, 44, 'minutes') # 2020-06-15 16:07:21
dateutils.dateadd(time_str_s, 1000, 'days') # 2023-03-12 15:23:21
dateutils.dateadd(time_str_s, 3, 'weeks') # 2020-07-06 15:23:21
dateutils.dateadd(time_str_s, -3, 'hours') # 2020-06-15 12:23:21
dateutils.dateadd(time_str_s, 3, 'seconds') # 2020-06-15 15:23:24


Caculation of the different between 2 date times by different units such as S, Y, D, H, M, YM, MD, YD

  • YM: The difference between the months in start_date and end_date. The days and years of the dates are ignored.
  • MD: The difference between the days in start_date and end_date. The months and years of the dates are ignored.
  • YD: The difference between the days of start_date and end_date. The years of the dates are ignored.
time_start = "2019-6-1"
time_end = "2020-5-15"
dateutils.datediff(start=time_start, end=time_end, unit='S') # seconds 30153600
dateutils.datediff(start=time_start, end=time_end, unit='Y') # years 0
dateutils.datediff(start=time_start, end=time_end, unit='D') # days 349
dateutils.datediff(start=time_start, end=time_end, unit='H') # hours 8376
dateutils.datediff(start=time_start, end=time_end, unit='M') # months 11
dateutils.datediff(start=time_start, end=time_end, unit='YM') #  11
dateutils.datediff(start=time_start, end=time_end, unit='MD') #  14
dateutils.datediff("2019-1-28","2020-2-1", unit='YD') # 3


Return the last day of n months befor or after given date. Parameter months refers to n.

date = "2022-7-4"
dateutils.eomonth(date, months=0) # 2022-07-31
dateutils.eomonth(date, months=2) # 2022-09-30
dateutils.eomonth(date, months=-5) # 2022-02-28


Return the year of given date

dateutils.year("2019-1-1") # 2019


Return the month of given date

dateutils.month("2019-5-4") # 5


Return the months difference of two given date

dateutils.months("2019-5-1","2020-5-4") # 12


Return the day of given date'2020-6-15 15:23:21') # 15


Return the days difference of two given date

dateutils.days('2019-6-1', '2020-5-15') # 349


Return the hour of given datetime

dateutils.hour("2020-1-1 12:20:30") # 12


Return the hours difference of two given datetime

dateutils.hours("2019-6-3 20:1:12", "2020-5-3 13:13:13") # 8033


Return the minutes of given datetime

dateutils.minute("2020-5-3 13:13:13") # 13


Return the seconds of given datetime

dateutils.second("2020-5-3 13:13:33") # 33


Return the weekday by recording 0 to 6 from Monday to Sunday

dateutils.weekday("2019-6-3") # 0


Return the weekday by recording 1 to 7 from Monday to Sunday based on ISO standard

dateutils.isoweekday("2019-6-3") # 1


Return the week number of given date by counting the 1st of Jan. as the first week

dateutils.weeknum('2012-1-2') # 2


Return the week number of given date based on ISO standard

dateutils.isoweeknum('2012-1-2') # 1


Return the ISO formatted month

dateutils.isomonth("2012-1-2") # 2012-01


Return a DateQuarter object, and params inlclude year and quarter.

q = dateutils.quarter_from_yq(year=2022, quarter=3) # <DateQuarter-2022,3Q>


Return a DateQuarter object, and params inlclude year and month.

q = dateutils.quarter_from_ym(year=2022, month=3) # <DateQuarter-2022,3Q>


Return a DateQuarter object of a time string.

time_str = "2022-07-17"
q = dateutils.to_quarter(time_str) # DateQuarter obj: <DateQuarter-2022,3Q>


Return a generator which will generate the DateQuater objects between a start date and end date. You can get the last quarter in the generator if you set param include_last=True which is False by default.

qs = dateutils.quarters_within("2021-03-28", "2022-07-17", include_last=True) # 生成器
list(qs) # [<DateQuarter-2021,1Q>, <DateQuarter-2021,2Q>,...., <DateQuarter-2022,3Q>]

Quarter operation

Some operations are supported based on DateQuater object. Please refer the examples below:

q = dateutils.quarter_from_yq(2022, 3)

q.year # 2022
q.quarter # 3

q.start_date # 2022-07-01
q.end_date # 2022-09-30

q.days()  # generator, which will generate the date in such quarter
list(q.days()) # [, 7, 1),, 7, 2),.....,, 9, 30)]

q + 10 # <DateQuarter-2025,1Q> 
q1 = dateutils.quater_from_yq(2021, 1) # <DateQuarter-2021,1Q>
q - q1 # 6
q < q1 # False
"2022-6-28" in q # False
"2022-8-28" in q # True

other examples

The date info returned can also be assigned as a param of dateutils. Here are some examples:

dt_now =  # 2022-02-07 09:49:14
# 1. date after 10 days
dt_10_days = dateutils.dateadd(dt_now, 10) # 2022-02-17 09:49:14
# 2. month after 10 days
dt_month_10_days = dateutils.month(dt_10_days) # 2
# 3. difference between 2 days
dt_10_days_before = dateutils.dateadd(dt_now, -10)
date_df = dateutils.datediff(dt_10_days_before, dt_10_days, unit="D") # 20
# 4. handle the time string with time-zone info with local timezone of "Asia/Shanghai" (UTC+8)
time_str = "2021-07-17T08:15:41.106+00:00"
time_day = # 17
time_month = dateutils.month(time_str) # 7
time_year = dateutils.year(time_str) # 2021
time_hour = dateutils.hour(time_str) # 16
time_date =, time_month, time_day) # 2021-07-17